With modern technology, you can diagnose and treat hearing loss. Though we typically encounter contributors to noise induced hearing problems on an everyday basis, noise induced synapsextis preventable. Making note of the posture of the person they are speaking with matters as well. A person who has suffered synapsextmust learn how to cope with their diminished capacity to hear. Smoking can cause a narrowing of the blood vessels in the ear making it less efficient. Children treated at an early age are guided to develop communication skill. If you could be an objective observer for a moment - if you could somehow transcend yourself and look at the world from the perspective of someone who didn't live in the world - what would you see? Other causes: Build-up of earwax, accidental deposit of an external object in the ear, head injuries, tumors, which include noncancerous (benign) growths in the ear, can also affect hearing. https://sites.google.com/view/synapsextpillsreview/home https://www.facebook.com/Aizen-Power-Australia-111989691135176/